God builds his palace—towers soaring high in the skies, foundations set on the rock-firm earth. He calls ocean waters and they come, then he ladles them out on the earth. God, your God, does all this.

Amos 9:6 (The Message)




Whose world is this? God’s!

As the sky touches the land, the sea touches the shore, so heaven touches the earth and time touches eternity.

Everything that exists demonstrates the community of creation which itself reflects the community of God. 

We are a part of nature - not set against it.

It is the same God, the master craftsman, who sculptured the mountains, drew the rivers, painted the stars, raised the wind, stirs the sea - and gives the pulse to my heartbeat.

Creation is so important Jesus came to be part of it.

Celtic missionaries adopted and adapted existing sacred wells, groves and glades: their innate respect for nature finds many friends today.

Our concern for the environment is based on our theology, as well as our tears.

We exercise our lordship of the earth as Christ exercises his lordship of the church - in selfless and sacrificial service.

Humanity is called to show humility before the humus.

Let God speak to you through creation, and so carry you with the tides and the season, the current and the waves.

Our lives are changed by the rhythmic way we pray as the rhythm of the sea changes the coastline of the land.

Allow the love of God to flow in over you, but then allow it to flow out again for others - like the sea.


Martin Wallace