the Arrival_ 2


Lord, now let your servant depart in peace, according to your word:For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared before the face of all people

Luke 2: 29-31


Unhurried God


Let me live imaginatively

Flexing and stretching, 

In step with an expansive hope

Through the darkest of nights,

Though at times barely a flicker, 

Alive and alight. 

Let me live compassionately,

Bearing witness when 

Hurt runs riot and loss stalks the land;

Wounded, may I still rise again 

To be a repairer of hearts.

Let me live slowly

As I sense the movement

Of an unhurried God

Who stills me,

And I pause.

Let me not forget those

Who also


For the promise;


For the coming

And gloried

In his arrival.


Chris Matthews