For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light.

Matthew 6:21-22


Our Hearts Have Seen A Scorching


Wilt like flowers

If not tended to.

Hostile elements 

Lay them bare, 

Their home a ghost town,

A dusty road into oblivion.

Our hearts have seen a scorching.

Before we relent,

We look beyond.

Eyes closed.

New sight arrives.

Behold now the rivers.

Great torrents of justice

Bursting through dry ground,

Waking the needy

Shaking the greedy

Setting things right



Behold now the winds.

Whispers of healing

Swirling through trees

Repairing, renewing

Wrapping itself

Around you and me.

Behold now the dreams,

Words we weaved.

Hopeful, soulful


At last, unearthed

At last, seen.


Behold now the motives.

Commerce, government

Rulers, influencers

Gathered selflessly,

Tethered to purity.

Behold now the love.

Life of parties,

Bedrock of decisions,

Laced through conversations,

Hands wide open,

Everyone belongs.


These second chances,

These things made new.

Our hearts take a breath.

We are what we imagine.

And we are full of light.

Jessica Cotten